Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Color Blast!

Transchromie:1981 by Carlos Cruz-Diez
A few years ago I visited the Miami Art Museum and saw a wonderful exhibition of the works of Carlos Cruz-Diez. Cruz-Diez is a Venezuelan artist whose style consists of kinetic art and op art. Kinetic art is a form of moving art that depends on movement for the full experience and op art is a style that works with optical illusions. His career mostly focuses on the use of color, line and perception. This form of art is fascinating because it allows the viewer to actively participate with the artwork. The change of color and the composition of lines in his work give off the effect of movement as the viewer’s position changes.  My experience with his exhibition was great and while I walked through the different colored chambers of red, green and blue I found the effect of the color bathed rooms inspiring. I was completely enthralled with this form of art because it really opens up your perception of color and the ability to actively participate with the artwork was a new experience all together. This was a completely different style of art that I’d never encountered but really enjoyed. Explore his work at Carlos Cruz-Diez

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